Today, (Friday, 27th March 2020) is the day that I’ve set aside a whole day – from 8am to 8pm where where you can call me in complete confidence, so that you can ask me any question you like (without any obligation), to see how I might be able to help you!

It can be anything you like, such as:

• Business valuations
• How to deal with minority shareholders
• How to deal with your Partner(!)
• Restructuring
• Financing a business
• Selling a freehold property
• Developing a business
• Buying a business
• Exit strategies
• Preparing a business for sale
• Selling a business

You can call me anytime today – just leave a message if the line is busy and I will call you back. The number to call is 07771-957166.

It may well be a challenging day…!

And if I don’t hear from you, good luck with everything, take care and stay safe!

Roger Smith FIOD

PS If you prefer, please complete the following enquiry form: